No more private vehicle bills

In the first six months after joining the Kaslo Branch of the Carshare Co-op, my partner and I estimated we saved $1,100.00 in transportation costs.

Andy Shadrack
Regional District Director Area D

I find the car co-op very convenient. I can use a car when riding my bike is not feasible and I never need to worry about oil changes, tire changes or repairs.

Julia Roberts
Environmental Consultant

I joined the Carshare and gave up private car ownership 6 years ago. I haven’t had a single moment of regret. I walk as much as possible, but when I need a car, there it is.

Joy Morrell
business owner & mother of four

I love being a member of the Kootenay Carshare Co-op because it allows me to run errands and get around the region for a lot less cost and hassle than owning and maintaining my own vehicle would. When a car needs repairs, there’s no surprise costs, and the monthly fees for being an active members are low.

Matt Murray
Energy Planning Director, West Kootenay EcoSociety

When I heard that Kootenay Carshare was looking at including electric vehicles to their fleet I thought this was the perfect opportunity for the City of Nelson to show our support of this innovative local organization and sign up. By being part of Kootenay Carshare, staff and Council will have the opportunity to travel to meetings, events etc. without emitting GHG emissions, while saving financially. It also gives users a better understanding of our charging infrastructure across the region, which will be helpful as we develop future policies. Every step towards 100% renewables is a step in the right direction!

Brittny Anderson
City Council member, City of Nelson

Cover Architecture is grateful to the Kootenay Carshare Co-op because as a small business in Nelson we depend on the support of the entire community to continue to grow. With a staff of 14 people and architecture projects across the Kootenays and British Columbia, we need an efficient and affordable means of traveling on site. Our staff that utilize the carshare program have been so pleased with the ease and convenience of accessing the vehicles, that we will be signing up more employees to the program. The customer service we receive has also been super speedy, friendly and helpful. We believe that part of Cover’s success as a growing company in the Kootenay’s has been our collaborative approach to working with other local business, and we look forward to continuing to support a sustainable program as the Carshare.

Cover Architecture

“Carsharing provides the convenience of a car without the hassle and expense of ownership. Whether you are a student without a car or a one-car family that needs an occasional extra set of wheel, Kootenay Carshare will have a car or truck so you can shop, or go to the doctor.”

Kris Ledrew
musician and father