AirCarshare Vehicle Owner FAQ
1. How are costs and income shared between the car owner and KCC?
- Vehicle owner receives 100% of $/Km revenue and 40% of $/hours revenue (50% for EV owners)
- Vehicle owner covers 100% of variable costs (gas, repairs, maintenance)
- Each Air Carshare vehicle owner must request peer-to-peer insurance from their insurance company. This costs $40.
2. What happens if an Air user (a) scratches my car, or (b) they get in a fender bender?
Drivers must fill out a vehicle condition report on the trip log sheet each time they use a vehicle. If something occurs on their trip, KCC insurance will kick in to repair any damages. If damage is not reported by the driver but is noticed by the next driver the same rules will apply. The vehicle owner will be responsible for bringing the vehicle in for repairs at their convenience.
3. My vehicle needs minor body and mechanical work to get BC certified. If I want to join Air Carshare, should I complete the repairs first?
We do not assist vehicle owners with repairs. The vehicle must be safety inspected by a mechanic and in good working order to become part of the Air Carshare program. Dents in the fender and cosmetic issues do not disqualify a vehicle from becoming part of the program.
4. How will I be compensated when somebody else uses my vehicle?
At the end of each month you must submit your logs to our Billing Department. If there are less than 10 bookings you can take photos of them and email [email protected]. You will receive a credit invoice showing how many bookings and your income for the month on the 15th of the following month. An e-transfer will be sent to your email address by the 25th. For example, any income made from your vehicle in the month of August will be paid out to you by September 25th.
The reason for the lag in payment time is due to needing to manually enter in all of the KMs from our fleet and air carshare host vehicles. Not having tech in every vehicle means we have more versatility and less operating costs.